Travel Photography Guru | Please Help Me Reach More People
What ever the weather Salzburg is a beautiful destination and a wonderful place to explore on foot. This photo showcases a pool in a beautifully designed garden where trees and the colors green and yellow dominate.
I launched the initial version of the Travel Photography Guru website and blog, albeit under a different name, on 1 January 2009.
Soon enough, I'II be celebrating nine years of reaching out to enthusiastic photographers, all around the world, through blogging.
The Growth Of The Travel Photography Guru Blog
It's grown to become quite a substantial resource with hundreds of posts, many of them quite significant articles, covering the following:
Photography genres (e.g., landscape, portrait, architecture, street, night photography)
Techniques (e.g., exposure, flash, high dynamic range photography)
I write in a personal style, covering a range of topics of interest to photographers, and am constantly striving to enhance the visual appeal of the site.
I endeavor to publish compelling articles that are informative and interesting to read and I work hard to explain relatively complicated concepts in as simple a manner as possible.
As always any comments or feedback you may have on this site are appreciated.
A worms eye viewpoint provides a dramatic perspective of the stairwell that leads up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.
Great Photography Education Is The Complex Made Simple
I'm of the belief that, for photography to be fun, it must be demystified. This notion has underpinned my approach to teaching the art and craft of photography for many years.
I'm really happy with the continuing improvements I've realized in the site's interface and useability and I hope you've noticed an improved experience when viewing photos and reading my blog posts.
All of the Photo Galleries on the site allow you to view each photo nice and big without any unnecessary clutter surrounding it.
You'll also benefit by clicking on any photo within my regular blog posts.
A single click on the photo will enlarge it and allow you to explore so many of the nuances (e.g., fine detail, shape and color) that might otherwise be lost when viewing the post on a mobile device.
My Podcast Is A Great Way To Help Improve Your Photography
I'm really excited to say that my long awaited Travel Photography Guru podcast will be launched before the end of 2018. What's more, new photo collections will follow over coming months.
Our Journey Is The Search For Creativity And Connection
Over the years I've invested literally thousands of hours into this site. It hasn't always been easy, but it's become a major passion of mine and a fantastic source of inspiration and education for my growing audience.
The spectacular Gásadalur Waterfall on the edges of the sea on the island of Vágar in the Faroe Islands.
My Mission In Life Is Being Realized Through Photography
I remain committed to my goal of sharing the joy of photography and the beauty of our natural world and its people with an ever-wider audience.
That's my mission and I hope you'll partner with me on this most wonderful adventure.
However, to continue to grow the reach of this site through podcasts and other ventures I need to ask for your assistance.
By making a donation you will have a direct and immediate impact on my ability to continue to grow the site and its related ventures and, thereby, help me realize my mission to connect folks through the art of photography.
It's a mission that I hope you'll contribute to either directly or, by sharing the good work that I do, via the social media buttons on the side of this post.
I hope you won't mind if I see your donation as a contribution to the continuation of this site, and the good work it does, into the future.