Best Photography Course Melbourne

Best Photography Course Melbourne
This is the best photography course in Melbourne. Learn photography, master your camera and realize your creative potential by making beautiful, life affirming images.
I’m Glenn Guy, an experienced teacher and owner of the Travel Photography Guru website and blog.
Here’s the private photography course that’s specially designed around your needs, your camera and the photos you most want to create.
The Photography Course To Unleash Your Creativity
You live in Melbourne and you'd dearly love to be able to make great photos? But, somewhere along the way, you’ve become creatively stuck and you desperately need to learn how to use your camera.
This is the photography course for you.
You're an intelligent and sensitive person, which makes you well suited to a creative endeavour like photography.
What could possibly go wrong?
Unfortunately, after buying yourself a fancy pants camera, you proceeded to use it on fully automatic.
That means you’ve surrendered to the machine.
This is the camera course you need. The one that will set your creativity free.
Does this Rockhopper penguin illustrate the pain and frustration photography causes you?
Pain And Disappointment, You Know Them Well
Are you disappointed at the way your photos look?
Do they lack the emotive qualities you felt at the time you made those photos?
Are you frustrated by all the dials, buttons and menus on your camera?
Would you like to master photography basics and make more authentic photos?
Have you lost confidence in your ability to realize your creative potential?
Look no further, my digital photography courses in Melbourne are designed to get you where you need to be quickly and efficiently.
What’s more you’ll find the process fun, informative and great value.
Compare that with having to study photography at a formal, stuffy photography school or enroll in a prolonged photography training program.
Photograph sites like the Swing Bridge Cafe after my Melbourne photography course.
Melbourne Photography Course That’s Perfect For You
One thing I want you to know is that it's not your fault that your photos aren't as good as you want them to be.
The sad thing is that our world is full of creative folk who have largely given up on photography simply because they never learned how to use their camera.
It’s important to understand that your camera gets it wrong frequently, producing photos that are either too light or too dark, or with colors that display differently than what you'd expect.
At this stage it's worth asking yourself a few important questions.
Do you want to take control back from the machine?
Do you want to tap into your true creative self?
Do you want to make beautiful, life affirming photos?
Learn Photography Melbourne
Learn Photography | The Day I Walked Into The Light
I'm Glenn Guy the owner of the Travel Photography Guru, an educational website and blog dedicated to bringing the beauty of our world and its people to an ever wider audience.
Glenn Guy, Travel Photography Guru, during a cruise on Jökulsárlón Lagoon, Iceland.
The site is fast becoming recognized as one of the world's great travel photography websites.
So far my photography adventures have taken me to the following places:
Australia and New Zealand
Bali, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Russia
Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland
Antarctica, Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island
Photography Short Courses Crafted With 40 Years Experience
I’ve worked in the photography industry for 40 years. Here’s some of the things I’ve done during that time:
Proprietor of a wedding and portrait studio
Run a newspaper photography department
Operated a small publishing business
Run photography tours to Iceland, Antarctica, South Georgia Island and the Falkland Islands
Taught thousands of folks to make better photos
My teaching experience is significant.
I’ve run a variety of photography short courses, weekend photography courses, photography workshops and tertiary level photography programs. I’ve also had the privilege to run photography tours to some of the world’s most sublime locations.
“Most of all I enjoy working, one to one, helping folks overcome technical road blocks and building confidence by making photos that better reflect their own, individual creative self.”
Along the way I've learned to continually adapt and present information in a way that best aligns with the needs and learning style of the photographer in question.
I've helped thousands of people make great photos and I love what I do. That's why I’m the best person to help you.
Make great nature images after a digital photography course with Glenn Guy.
Digital Photography Courses | Pain Made Me A Better Teacher
During my many years making photos I've made all the mistakes you could possibly imagine, some of them multiply times.
But after years of struggle and significant amounts of money I worked myself into the light with a level of knowledge and experience that’s made making photos a really simple process.
My digital photography courses will teach you how to use your camera and how to greatly simplify the process of making photos.
After all, if it’s not simple it’s not fun.
Because of the trials and tribulations I experienced on my own journey to creative freedom I believe I really understand the pain and frustration so many other people suffer in pursuit of their passion.
The great lesson I learned from my own struggles is that the best way to improve your photography and accelerate your own creative journey is to get help.
And what could be better than getting help from someone who's come through the school of hard knocks and remembers how it feels to fail, time and time again.
Experience, empathy and an ability to communicate potentially complex technical subjects in plain, simple language underpins my approach to teaching photography.
Imagine making beautiful abstract images after a photography course in Melbourne.
I’ve reached a level of expertise through hard work and by seeking advice where ever I could.
I want to help set you on the road to a more creative life, through photography, without you having to endure all the pain and cost I had to.
Originally self taught I studied photography formally, at a tertiary level for 9 years, cumulating in a Masters Of Art (Photography) at RMIT, Melbourne.
My passion for photography is now stronger than ever. I travel and photograph frequently and continue to invest significant energies to keep up to date with the ever changing world of digital photography.
I’ve learned from my mistakes and I’m able to invest 40 plus years of photography knowledge and experience into the breakthrough you’ll need to set your own creativity free.
Beginners Photography Course
Beginners Photography Course
I’m so glad I found you. As far as your own frustration with the photos you make, please don't worry as your experience is not unique.
Most folks feel frustrated, even silly, after spending good money on a new camera and not knowing how to use it.
You wouldn't think of buying a car without knowing how to drive. But that's not the way it works when buying a camera. Like everyone else you probably assumed the camera would do everything for you.
It’s not your fault and, just like me, you can solve this problem. I’ve been in the same situation and I’ve found my way out and have become an expert photographer.
What’s more I know how to teach other folks how to significantly reduce the time it takes to make great photos for themselves, whether in camera or on the desktop.
After a single 3-hour photography course with me, you’ll be well on your way to making great photos, more easily and more often.
A camera course that explains how to work with light.
The Perfect Camera Course And The Problem We Need To Fix
It's true that cameras today are very sophisticated machines.
Part recording device and part photo lab they not only document the images we make, they also process them into photos we can view on our computers and electronic devices prior to sharing online.
But your camera is still a machine. It needs direction as it has no concept of whether you're photographing a bottle, a butterfly or a birthday cake.
Your camera needs someone to drive it and, after a little highly personalized tuition, you'll have no trouble doing so all by yourself.
Can you imagine how empowered you’ll feel being able to make great photos, whether you’re at home or travelling the world.
People photos
Landscape and Nature
Wildlife photography
Night photography
How about a project exploring Venice, a trip to Rwanda to photograph the gorillas or a book project documenting your hike along the Annapurna Circuit.
Perhaps you’d be more comfortable exploring your passion for photography at the Botanical Gardens, along the Yarra River or at Melbourne’s iconic Brighton Bathing Boxes.
All of these adventures are possible and, with improved photography skills and more confidence in how to use your camera, you’ll be able to produce a portfolio of images that showcase your own, unique creative self.
Photography classes that allow you to determine what’s most important.
Photography Classes To Overcome Fear Of Your Camera
Technology, by it's very nature, is daunting.
How do you make sense of all those buttons and dials on your camera?
What do you need to do to set your camera up for the scenes and subjects you're most interesting in photographing?
Wouldn't it be great to make photos knowing that the most important subject in your pictures is going to be sharp?
What you need is a way to cut through the confusion, which is where I fit in.
Imagine being able to master the fundamentals of photography and, more importantly, understand why and how to use them to produce fantastic photos with confidence.
That’s exactly where you’ll be after one of my photography classes.
Learn Photography and Tell Your Story in Your Own Way
With this knowledge you’ll soon be on your way to directing your camera to photograph the world the way you perceive it, as opposed to the way the camera wants to record it.
As a result your camera will no longer be a barrier between you and the world around you. You'll begin to see your camera as a passport into a more creative and meaning rich life.
Imagine how good you'll feel after being able to leave all that frustration behind you after a few fun, informative and empowering hours of tuition.
“Heal the World, One Photo at a Time.”
Photography Short Courses Melbourne
Now the good news. I've created this unique one to one learning experience that’s perfect for your needs.
Whether you're completely new to DSLR or Mirrorless cameras or are just looking for a refresher you'll find this photography course to be great value.
Are you planning a trip to Europe?
Perhaps it's a wildlife tour in Africa.
Are you bamboozled by all those buttons, dials and menus on your camera?
We'll cover all the photography basics in a way that aligns with your own creative desires and upcoming travel.
Experience tells me that, not only do folks want to understand how to use their camera, they're also wanting to explore their creative nature through the photos they make.
Sound familiar?
What’s needed is someone who's been there and done it to help guide you through the whole process.
That's why I've crafted these special one to one photography courses. I'II short cut the otherwise huge learning curve you’d normally have to climb before being able to make great photos.
I'II remove the roadblocks and reduce the formal process usually involved to learn photography by years. That’s right, years.
As a result you'll leave the session feeling empowered and in control of your camera and the photos you make.
This 3-hour private photography course is just what you need.
Testimonials About Glenn Guy
Ralph Holland at home with some of his framed photos on display.
I received my first 'real ' camera for my 60th birthday. I’d always been keen on photography, but never pursued it. My first digital camera intensified that latent 'itch' and I was ecstatic to be completely surprised to receive a Nikon D7000 DSLR camera.
My excitement quickly turned to terror and uncertainty when it occurred to me that beyond auto mode I knew absolutely nothing about the camera or photography as an art. I played with my new toy with limited success.
From the first session it was evident that Glenn was a highly skilled professional, and more importantly for a 60 year old novice, he was a master teacher, intuitive and responsive to the specific needs of the learners in his care.
My passion for photography has become stronger to the point where I am confidently making great quality images that I am proud to frame, show and sell.
Glenn has been the 'constant' throughput this fascinating journey. He continues to be aware of where I am at, and his carefully focused teaching is consistently targeted at my point of need.
I can confidently and unreservedly endorse Glenn to anyone who seeks to commence, build or further develop their skills in the beautiful and fascinating world of photography.
Ralph Holland, Melbourne
We would like to thank you so much for your time and for sharing your knowledge with us. It was great to meet you and you have helped us so much.
We have a lot to revise and practice but now feel more confident we can get some great photos. You have a real talent for teaching, you made everything so clear and easy to understand. We have come away with a new understanding of our camera.
Marilyn and Jenny, Yarra Valley
Glenn Guy is an excellent photography instructor and mentor.
I have had the pleasure of working with Glenn over the past year and he is a continual source of encouragement and inspiration.
Glenn's vast knowledge of all things photography from film to digital have been an excellent resource for learning basic art concepts to more complex digital business theories.
While I have dealt with Glenn primarily online, his sense of humor and kindness seep through the online community and I look forward to someday joining him on one of his many travel excursions.
Sharlea Taft, USA
Glenn has a special gift as a teacher and facilitator. He gets to the essence of the art of photography.
I find his way of critiquing to be thoughtful and to the point. He never pushes his ideas on his apprentices, but leads them to discover the way.
I have not seen a Master in the Arcanum who works any harder to provide new content. He is tireless in his passion and engagement.
Cindy Flood
I already feel that not only has my photography improved but I am acquiring a new perspective on life and my role as a photographer in the world has been expanded.
Sirrah Lore, California
Glenn Guy and David Aspin. Photo by Judith Chapman.
I want to thank you for your kind, expert and stimulating leadership in my photographic endeavours and activities, especially in regard to my photographic book on "The Beauty of Holiness".
For your hard work in helping me produce it and - above all - for the warmth of the collegiality and friendship that has developed between us during the time we have been collaborating in its production.
I could not have done any of this without your mentoring, help and support.
In you and your work I was blessed with a unique combination: consummate photographic knowledge and ability; deep understanding of and application of the principles of learning and teaching; and a genuine warmth in responding to all my aesthetic and photographic needs - even on these occasions when I was hardly aware of them myself.
You were irreplaceable as a guide and mentor, not merely as a photographic expert but as a warm human being and friend.
David Aspin, Melbourne
Glenn has the ability to create a picture that I as a viewer can connect with, while leaving enough space for my own interpretation.
Glenn’s most impressive strength is his ability to create a mood, a connection, a space for the viewer to get into the picture.
Marcel Schneider, Berlin
Would you like your photography course to be based around animal photography?
How You’ll Benefit From this Photography Course
By now you’re probably thinking that this is the course you need to do, now.
It’s the solution you've been waiting for, the one that will lead you to the breakthrough you so desperately desire and deserve.
Here’s why you really need to work with me.
Through a simple 3-hour commitment you get the following:
A session explaining the important dials, buttons and menu items on your camera.
You'll learn which ones to set and forget and which ones you'll need to adjust every time you're out and about making photos.
We’II be concentrating only on your camera, which is a huge advantage compared to what happens in a group based course.
A hands-on practical session where you get to put into practice the fundamental theories and concepts of great photography.
A specially written Fundamentals Of Photography Guide for you to return to each and every time you need a refresher.
This 3-hour private photography course saves you significant time and money compared to formal, group based photography short courses conducted in a classroom over a period of weeks or months.
Learn photography and photograph beautiful street art in Hosier Lane, Melbourne.
The fundamentals of photography covered in this course will include the following:
Shutter Speed
White Balance
Depth Of Field (DOF)
Zoom: which focal lengths to use for specific subjects or scenes.
What’s more I can tailor the information in the course specifically to your needs (e.g., photographing kids, landscape, nature, wildlife, city at night, ski holiday).
Are you about to travel?
What is it that you’re most interested in photographing?
Learn photography with Glenn Guy and make amazing travel photos.
FREE BONUS Guide - Camera Fundamentals
This course is going to be informative, empowering and fun. However, there will still be lots of information to remember.
I strongly recommend that you make photos over the week or so after our session to establish muscle memory and build expertise in using your camera.
Regardless of knowing which dials or buttons to move, it’s also important to know why.
That’s the reason I’ve created a special Free Guide just for you.
It’s called Camera Fundamentals and I’II email it to you after you’ve completed the photography course that I’II be specially designing for you.
The guide is in the form of an eBook, so you’ll be able to keep a copy on your mobile phone and/or tablet as a refresher when you need it.
The guide will be particularly handy for any upcoming travel photography you’re about to undertake.
Who Is This Photography Course For?
This course is designed specifically for folks who are frustrated by their camera and feel that the photos they make lack creativity and look like everyone else’s.
Who Is This Photography Course Not For?
If you don’t have a DSLR, Mirrorless or decent compact camera then I’m not sure I can help you.
Nonetheless, I have had several folks undertake this course with fairly sophisticated mobile phones. They’ve found it fascinating and appreciated the fact that I tailored the course around mobile phone photography.
If you're a professional photographer, and you don't need help understanding how to use your camera, this course is not for you.
However, I may be able to assist you with Lightroom or Photoshop skills; workflow; website construction or portfolio building.
Melbourne Photography Course | Glenn Guy’s Qualifications and Awards
I've studied photography for 9 years and achieved the following:
Bachelor of Arts (Photography), PIT
Graduate Diploma, Art and Design (Photography), RMIT
Master of Arts (Photography), RMIT
Because I'm a teacher I decided, for the most part, to leave competitions to the up and coming photographers I've tutored over the years.
Nonetheless, I've entered a few competitions over the years and have received the following awards.
Finalist, Inaugural Felix H. Mann Prize for Documentary Photography, National Gallery of Victoria
Color Photography Award, Victorian Centre for Photography
Leica Award for Documentary Photography, Centre for Contemporary Photography
Victorian Landscape Photographer Of The Year, Australian Institute of Professional Photography
Learn photography and make timeless candid photos like this one in Bali.
Learn Photography | It’s Your Time To Shine
Are you confused by your camera’s buttons, dials and menus?
Do you find yourself putting your camera onto fully automatic and going click?
Is your creativity suffering from your decision to surrender to the machine?
Have you lost so much confidence that making photos is no longer as fun as you know it should be?
Photography doesn’t have to be hard.
With the right tuition you’ll cross the boundary between novice and enthusiast photographer and, before you know it, you’ll be making beautiful, life affirming images.
Photography Short Courses | My Guarantee To You
I offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unhappy with the course, for any reason, let me know within 30 days and I’II refund your payment.
Here’s you chance to take control back from the machine and to make beautiful photos that will unlock your unique creative self.
Just click the button, fill out your contact details and we’ll be able to chat by phone or email to discuss your needs.
if you’re then ready to take the next step we can schedule a photography course in Melbourne that fits your needs and schedule.
Glenn Guy, the Travel Photography Guru, with a metal photographer figurine.
Beginners Photography Course | Most Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This course is conducted in or around Melbourne, Australia.
Usually we meet in the city and spend some time, in a quiet cafe, going over the fundamentals of photography and explaning your camera’s buttons, dials and controls.
The rest of the class is spent on a photo walk exploring some of Melbourne’s most photogenic locations.
The course usually runs as a single session 3-hour course.
A longer session, including location based photography, or multiply sessions are also available, upon request.
On what days or times is the course conducted?
I’m available for day or evening sessions, either weekdays or weekends.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Don’t worry I offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
If you are unhappy with your photography course let me know, within 30 days of completing the course, and I’II refund your payment.
I’ve never been asked for a refund from one of these one-to-one photography courses.
What camera, lens and accessories will I need to complete the course?
You’ll need your own camera, with battery fully charged; a spare battery, if you have one; and a memory card with plenty of free space for the photos you’ll be taking during the course.
You’ll find a notebook and pen very useful for the first portion of the course when we’ll go over important concepts like Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO and Depth Of Field.
Even though those topics are covered in the Free Guide I’II be sending you, most folks find the information sinks in quicker if they also write down key learning points in their own words. But that’s completely up to you.
What if I need a follow up course?
Sometimes folks want to go beyond this initial course with more advanced information and techniques.
This information will allow you to immerse yourself in the kind of photography you’re most interested in like portrait, long exposure landscape or street photography.
And of course you can continue the creative journey through post processing with applications like Adobe Lightroom.
How Long Is The Course?
The course advertised on this page is a single 3-hour session. Because of the intensive one-to-one nature of this course it’s enough for most folks.
That’s why the value is so amazing. One session, one fee and you’re off to the races, whether they be at Flemington or on the Maasai Mara.
How Do I Pay?
You can pay directly by credit card as part of the checkout procedure. Simply scroll back to the top of the page, click the ADD TO CART link and fill in your contact details.
Once that’s done click on the actual cart icon on the top right corner of the page and fill in your credit card details.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact me to discuss other payment options.
I’d be happy to follow up your email with a return email or phone call. Whatever suits you best.
3 Hour Private DSLR and Mirrorless Camera Course
Don’t miss this opportunity to free yourself from the restraints currently placed upon you by your camera. Let me help you take your photography to the next level and allow your creativity to soar.
I’m very much looking forward to working with you and look forward to hearing from you soon.