Private Photography Courses In Melbourne
A black and white portrait of Glenn Guy, the Travel Photography Guru in Melbourne, Australia.
Have you ever considered undertaking a private, one-to-one photography course in Melbourne? Read on my friend.
Are you sick and tired of the frustration you feel when your photos don’t turn out the way you expect them to?
Have you lost confidence in your ability to use your camera and, as a result, feel like you’ll never realize your own creative potential?
I’m Glenn Guy your Travel Photography Guru and I’m very happy to announce my availability for a range of private one-to-one photography courses in and around Melbourne, Australia.
“Glenn is a brilliant teacher and a super nice guy which makes these workshops so enjoyable to attend.”
Private Photography Courses With Glenn Guy
These courses are tailored to your own specific needs and can involve the following, either individually or in combination:
Getting to Know Your Camera
Landscape, Portrait or Architectural photography sessions
Adobe Lightroom
Night Photography
Wildlife Photography
Learn To Use Your Camera In Melbourne, Australia
Practical Photography courses can be conducted almost anywhere, depending on what it is we decide to photograph, and usually run for between 3 hours and a whole day.
Image processing courses, such as Adobe Lightroom are usually conducted from my home in Clifton Hill, Melbourne.
“Glenn has a special gift as a teacher and facilitator. He is tireless in his passion and engagement.”
Where appropriate such classes could also be conducted at your own home or place of work.
When available I can be booked for day or evening sessions, either on weekdays or weekends.
Glenn Guy, the Travel Photography Guru, at his Moments Of Transition exhibition at Quadrant Gallery in Melbourne, Australia.
I Love Teaching Folks To Make Better Photos
I’m a photographer with a wide and diverse range of practical photography experiences.
In addition to a substantial body of personal and commercial work, produced during a 40-year career, I’ve had over 20 years experience teaching photography.
“Glenn’s ability to impart knowledge to photographers is a rare quality and I commend his photography classes to beginners and enthusiasts alike.”
I’m as comfortable working with individuals as I am lecturing large groups of tertiary-level students.
In the case of private One-on-One courses I work particularly hard to adapt my teaching to the needs and learning style of the individual.
Glenn Guy, the Travel Photography Guru, with a metal photographer figurine purchased in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo by Garima Dewan.
Please feel free to contact me directly should you wish to enquire about this unique opportunity.
Will 2019 finally be the year you realize your creative potential through the photos you make.
I hope so and I’m here to help you do just that.