How To Get Great Photos Of Yourself, Wherever You Are
Black and white portrait of a young lady in Melbourne at night.
Where's home for you? Is it the house you own or the flat you rent? Whether you're a born and bred local, a naturalized citizen, resident or visitor to town it’s important to have your photo made, wherever you are.
Amongst all the people photography you create, whether you're a local, resident or visitor, make sure you have your own photo made in the village, town or city in which you find yourself. The great photos you'll create will ensure fantastic memories that'll grow in importance over the years to come.
I really believe in the saying that home is where the heart is. And that’s all the more reason to contribute to your people photography collection by documenting your life, through really great photos of yourself, wherever it is you currently reside.
Whether you get someone else to make your photo or you set up a self portrait, it’s important you come out from behind the camera and have your own photo made.
You Can Take The Boy Out Of The Country
I lived in Melbourne from 1986 till 2022, albeit with as much travel as possible along the way. But I was born in Hamilton, a small town of around 10,000 people in Western Victoria and, to me, home was always where my parents were.
While my mum and dad have now both passed, I found myself relocating back to Hamilton in 2022. I may not be here for the long term, but it’s been good to get out of the big city, where I regularly return to run special photography classes and workshops, and enjoy some of the benefits of country living.
Does Hamilton feel like home? Now that my parents are gone, I’d say no. And being a traveler at heart, I may well move on if a suitable opportunity presents itself.
Only time will tell as to whether I move back to Melbourne or, perhaps, relocate to somewhere wondrous. The South Island of New Zealand is a favored option at the moment.
It all depends what opportunities come my way over coming years. Right now, I’m happy and content with my current arrangements.
Have Your Photo Made, But Keep It Real
One thing I’ve discovered along the journey is that I feature in very few of the photos I’ve created.
What’s more, because I almost always travel and photograph on my own, there’s no one around to photograph me in all those incredible places I’ve had the good fortune to visit over the years.
While I can’t wind the clock back I can ensure I find ways to have my own photo made more often into the future.
I’m going to relaunch my YouTube channel later this year. That’s one way to document where I am and what I do in my own creative journey through photography.
However, while audio can add context and enhance the visual experience of a video, there’s something quite unique about a great still photograph.
As I usually travel and photograph alone, that means making self portraits on a more regular basis. Doing so will involve time and effort, but it’s certainly worthwhile and I’d recommend you consider doing it yourself, even if that means using your mobile phone to create a selfie on a regular basis.
For those times when you’re able to set up a tripod and a decent camera, I recommend you avoid stuffy and over contrived self portraits.
Keep it real and photograph yourself in the same environments where you spend your time. That’s particularly the case when it comes to places you associate with good memories, beauty, fun or love.
If you're an outdoor person then consider having your portrait made in a favorite park, beach, trail or mountain location.
Alternatively, if you're a creature of the night then a favorite restaurant, pub or nightclub might be just the place to produce a really great photo exhibiting the atmospheric likeness you'd like to be remembered for.
Just be aware that taste changes over time and not all images should be posted onto the internet.
For those of us who live away from family, a phone call is a great way to keep in touch. And, of course, there's social media. But Facebook without photos just doesn't cut it.
Likewise, there's just no substitute for a large photographic print, be it paper, canvas or acrylic featuring you in a favorite location.
I understand you may not be in a position to put a big print on the wall in your current abode. But, one day, perhaps you’ll be settled in your own digs with wall space that’s yours to fill.
And why not fill that space with some of your very best memories, particularly those that document you at important times in your life.
After all, you don’t just make photos for others. Primarily, you make them for yourself.
However, the reality for many is that, once you take on the commitments of a mortgage and a family, opportunities for future travel adventures may become few and far between.
Where and When to Have Your Photo Made
My advice to you as that, wherever you are and whether you see yourself as a local, resident or visitor, it's important to have a photographic record of yourself in that environment.
Make sure you get great photos of yourself at important events like your birthday and on important holiday or religious occasions.
Do the right thing by sharing these images with family and friends. By doing so you’ll bring some happiness into their own lives.
Such records tend to grow in importance over the years, and become particularly important for those that have moved away from home.
Just remember that action leads to happiness, for you and those you love, both in the short term and in years to come.
Please, Do As I Say, Not As I Have Done
Please don't make the mistake I have. I'm usually the bunny with the camera, yet I never seem to get caught in anyone else’s flash light.
Whether you truly appreciate the fact or not, you are loved and fondly thought of by family and friends.
But, where distance separates us, it's important to make the effort and have some beautiful photographs made that tell the story of some of the more positive aspects of your current life.
Of course your parents, most of all, want you to be happy and a lovely portrait is a great way to affirm that desire. And, believe it or not, your children will one day have similar thoughts about you once they’ve flown the nest.
What better way to reassure them than through a really great photo of you, and perhaps your partner, in a lovely location.
These photos are also important as they can help us understand that our lives are actually pretty good. Compared to many other folk on this planet, we're lucky to be living the life we are and to have had such wonderful experiences along the way.
Wouldn’t you agree?