Pain and Courage: The Glorious Life Of A Creative Spirit
Glorious life of a creative spirit illustrated by penguin on Cuverville Island.
Over the years my work as a photography teacher has brought me into contact with a lot of interesting and highly motivated people. Some try to forge their way in the commercial world of photography, others are happy to express themselves through a more personal, creative path.
Great photography doesn't come easily and a creative spirit must show courage and work hard to be successful. Focus and diligence is at the heart of living a glorious life, and the ability to pivot and adapt to changing trends is key to remaining relevant as a commercial or fine art photographer.
It's always great when, in such a tough industry, those folks who undertake formal studies as a means to find employment are able to transit from the world of a well-tendered student to that of an independent working photographer.
Some, because of their own personality, talent and tenacity are able to make that transition without even completing formal studies.
Others are good students but, not being able to find one of very few full-time positions in the industry and without the capabilities or desire to run their own business, flounder.
For those folks jobs on the fringe of the industry (e.g. camera stores, distributors) or, alternatively, in an aligned industry are often the best solution.
During my time as a photography teacher I've worked with literally thousands of people. Usually the relationship is mutually beneficial: they learn and I rejoice in their progress and accomplishments.
Sometimes the student/teacher experience is so powerful, so very much in the moment, that time seems to stand still as critical understanding is experienced.
I've experienced such powerful and shared moments, both as a student and as a teacher.
A Student’s Pain and Courage
I'II never forget my own favorite teachers over the years and the sacrifices they made to help me along my own, largely independent and self motivated journey in life.
Bob Shaw
A standout in my high school years, Bob Shaw was positive, enthusiastic and treated his students with respect.
That was certainly not how I was treated by the majority of my teachers while trying to survive the Catholic education system in Australia during the 1970s, where physical violence and emotional abuse were rampant.
I have no doubt Bob genuinely cared about his students and made all the difference to me passing the Accounting class he taught.
What’s more it was Bob who, after hearing about a job in a local camera store working with a highly respected and semi-retired professional photographer, helped me transit into what’s become a long career in photography.
Meryl Johnson
A kind and encouraging tutor in my first year of formal, tertiary level photography education. Kindness, encouragement and enthusiasm were the hallmarks of Meryl’s teaching style.
Dr. Les Walkling
A phenomenal support and inspiration. Whatever photography projects I wanted to undertake he allowed, encouraged and helped make possible.
I studied under Les for 7 years culminating in a Masters of Arts (Photography) at RMIT, Melbourne.
You just don't forget that kind of support which must, as a consequence, inform your own relationships with those you teach.
Creative spirit depicted by King penguin gripping the ice, Cuverville Island, Antarctica.
The Glorious Life Of a Photography Teacher
During my time as a teacher of photography I've experienced many out of time moments when the blessed trinity of information, delivery and connection seem to gel within an entire group of people.
Such moments are highly palpable, even blissful experiences.
These days most of the teaching I do is through single session, one-to-one, private photography courses. These courses are built entirely around the needs of participants.
Often they’re about to undertake overseas travel and they’re highly motivated to return with great photos. The problem is they’ve just bought a brand new camera and they haven’t got a clue how to use it.
The solution is to set up a course, based around the specific camera (brand and model) they’ve purchased, the kind of photography they expect to undertake (e.g., landscape, wildlife, street photography) and the look or style they most wish to explore in the photos they create.
The great advantage of one-to-one courses is that you only ever deal with one camera, and one person’s learning style, objectives and desired outcomes.
That’s certainly not the case in a crowded classroom with a bunch of students all wanting personalized assistance from a lone, often stressed out tutor who has to deal with numerous brands and models of camera.
It’s likely many of those cameras will feature quite different layouts of primary controls (e.g., buttons and dials), and menus underpinned by logic that seems quite disparate from each other.
I worked very hard in the traditional classroom environment for many years and I believe I was very successful at what I did. I know I helped a great deal of people along their own unique path in creative photography.
But it was immensely difficult, particularly foundation year studies, and my experience tells me most tutors just aren’t cut out for that kind of workload and the dedication required to make a real difference to the lives of those you’re employed to help.
Hardship and Hope For A Creative Spirit
Every now and again a favorite student has to prematurely leave a course of study. This can be a great sadness for student, peers and teacher alike.
I remember a message I received from such a student, let's call her Sally, whom I'd taught for several years at a photographic college at which I'd previously worked.
Due to a significant illness she had to leave her studies and return to her parents home to recuperate.
The nature of the illness dictated a slow, careful recovery in a peaceful, nurturing environment.
I remember at the time thinking that Sally had made a decision that was both correct and courageous. After all one's happiness and health are paramount.
And formal studies are but one way by which we can live a creative life.
I very much believe in the following notion:
To heal the world you first need to heal yourself.
In other words you can't live a productive life and bring joy to others until you build a happy and healthy life for yourself.
Our modern world can be such a hard, difficult place and many find the battle to survive the trials and tribulations that come their way ultimately defeating.
They spend the best years of their life swimming against the tide or, at best, treading water.
Glorious life of a creative spirit sliding down towards Paradise Harbour, Antarctica.
For A Creative Spirit, Life is What You Make of It
We're all presented with choices along life's path. But I've learned to understand that we often miss the point of those choices.
Why take on a so-called promotion when the job promises elevated levels of stress, significantly longer working hours, a loss of personal freedom and leisure.
Often the so-called financial rewards simply aren't there. We need an escape plan and I now believe that such choices present us with just that.
Why spend your life running to keep up with a train that does little more than take you in circles?
Maybe the right choice is the one outside of the box?
Consider leaving the track and taking a nice, slow relaxed walk on the grass. And why not stop off for an ice cream and a snooze along the way?
You may not make as much money but, with a more enlightened view of money and the cost chasing money has on your life, you might not miss the extra cash.
Better health and fitness, more fulfilling relationships and an ability to see and experience more of the beauty and joy that surrounds you is within reach.
The really smart people, the wise ones, are able to do just that.
It takes courage, but only in the spaces between the madness of our modern world can you find time to really know yourself, breathe and begin to understand why you're actually here.
I believe that we all have a purpose in life, but few of us take the necessary action to realize that purpose.
That action may require distancing yourself from the rat race so as to find your very own, unique path through life.
I’ve found that creative activities, like photography, can certainly help folks find that personal space they’ve been craving.
What's Your Scene?
Whether your creativity is expressed through writing, music or photography it’s important to allocate the time, energy and finances required to nurture that talent.
And why not share your journey and the lessons you’ve learned along the way, like I do, with the world.
By healing yourself you can then contribute and make a positive difference to the health of so many other people and, as a consequence, to the world in which we live.
The Creative Spirit and Happiness
Depending on your generation and your upbringing you may or may not have been told that you are unique, talented and able to do anything you want.
I once referred to a former student as a child of the universe who glows with a luminous quality. And I meant it!
The point is you don't actually acquire or achieve happiness. You experience it.
I doubt that true happiness will come as a result of keeping your boss happy by entering data and moving numbers around in cyberspace.
Happiness surrounds us all, but it's our state of mind and the way we perceive what's going on around us that determines our reality and, as a consequence, our ability to experience happiness and express creativity in our lives.
Life is not the cards we are dealt, nor is it the way we play those cards. That's because such a game, by definition, results in winners and losers.
The secret to life is the ability to determine what the cards actually are.
We all have the ability to make an ace from a joker, a flush from a pair. And once we understand that fact the need to play the hand is replaced with the desire to share our cards, openly and generously, with others.
Sadness and loss for the creative spirit. Whalers Bay, Deception Island, Antarctica.
Sadness and Loss For A Creative Spirit
Sadness, anxiety and even heartache are temporary if we decide that’s what they’ll be. They’re also a significant part of the human condition.
Without loss how could we understand love, without despair we would undervalue bliss.
No one lives in a bubble, and the outside world does impact your life. But that doesn't mean you have to allow it to do so at the expense of your own happiness.
If you have a horrible boss it seems to me there are three choices available to you:
Stay mad and miserable in a seemingly hopeless situation.
This is the easiest choice and many folks find a sense of identify and significance in identifying themselves as a victim.
I understand this battle from personal experience, and it’s one of the reasons why people choose to enter or remain in destructive relationships.
Learn to better understand your bosses point of view and motivations.
You may find you pity them or, better yet, begin to understand why they're behaving like they are.
As a result the boss/employee power relationship will change and you may find a sense of freedom from the stress you'd previously believed they were responsible for causing.
Get out and get on with life.
This takes real courage, which is why few of us, including teachers, bosses and colleagues actually do it.
Glorious Life: The Road Ahead For Creative Spirits
When I heard the news of Sally’s illness and move back to her parents home I decided to dedicate the photo at the top of this post to her.
It's from Antarctica. The little penguin was photographed near the top of a hill on Cuverville Island, Antarctica.
I like the photo and the fact that it's emotive power has probably been emphasized when viewed in relation to this article.
Last I heard was that Sally was well on the road to recovery and developing into a very good photographer working in a part of the industry to which she feels an affinity.
It’s always rewarding when someone you know is able to realize their own potential and live a happy, meaningful life.
I'm so pleased that the light I witnessed within Sally, while temporarily dimmed, is burning bright again.
Perhaps our primary purpose in life is to bring happiness into the lives of others. But to be able to do that, in a sustained and meaningful way, we first need to find happiness in our own lives.
Please, do what you can to separate yourself from negative influences and to building a more positive, life affirming worldview.
Likewise, find the time to explore your creativity and dedicate energy to your own spiritual and emotional well-being.
The way ahead is not always easy. But the choices we make, ultimately, are what determine the road we take, the impact we have on others and the reality we create for ourselves.